The Digital MIQE Guidelines Update: Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Digital PCR Experiments for 2020. dMIQE Group: Jim F Huggett, Alexandra S Whale, Ward De Spiegelaere, Wim Trypsteen, Afif Abdel Nour, Young-Kyung Bae, Vladimir Benes, Daniel Burke, Megan Cleveland, Philippe Corbisier, Alison S Devonshire, Lianhua Dong, Daniela Drandi, Carole A Foy, Jeremy A Garson, Hua-Jun He, Jan Hellemans, Mikael Kubista, Antoon Lievens, Mike G Makrigiorgos, Mojca Milavec, Reinhold D Mueller, Tania Nolan, Denise M O'Sullivan, Michael W Pfaffl, Stefan Rödiger, Erica L Romsos, Gregory L Shipley, Valerie Taly, Andreas Untergasser, Carl T Wittwer, Stephen A Bustin, Jo Vandesompele. Clin Chem. 2020 Aug 1;66(8):1012-1029. doi: 10.1093/clinchem/hvaa125.
Digital PCR (dPCR) has developed considerably since the publication of the Minimum Information for Publication of Digital PCR Experiments (dMIQE) guidelines in 2013, with advances in instrumentation, software, applications, and our understanding of its technological potential. Yet these developments also have associated challenges; data analysis steps, including threshold setting, can be difficult and preanalytical steps required to purify, concentrate, and modify nucleic acids can lead to measurement error. To assist independent corroboration of conclusions, comprehensive disclosure of all relevant experimental details is required. To support the community and reflect the growing use of dPCR, we present an update to dMIQE, dMIQE2020, including a simplified dMIQE table format to assist researchers in providing key experimental information and understanding of the associated experimental process. Adoption of dMIQE2020 by the scientific community will assist in standardizing experimental protocols, maximize efficient utilization of resources, and further enhance the impact of this powerful technology.
Laboratory of Gene Expression
Institute of Biotechnology CAS, v.v.i.
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Czech Republic
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